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High expectations for Chile Cyber Day
Handicap Sport

High expectations for Chile Cyber Day

Chile expects to see sales of US$120mn during the Cyber Day Chile e-commerce discount event that takes place on May 29-31, according to the Santiago chamber of commerce (CCS). During the same event last year, some US$111mn in sales were made (...)

Feriados que trae consigo el calendario de Chile 2017
Handicap Sport

Feriados que trae consigo el calendario de Chile 2017

A continuación te dejamos una lista con los feriados chilenos que podrás disfrutar este 2017: Este año Chile se convirtió en el país con más festivos en todo el mundo, ya que se sumaron el día del censo y las primarias legales. A continuación te (...)

Keighley councillors learn about new disability sports project
Handicap Sport

Keighley councillors learn about new disability sports project

Disabled and non-disabled people in Keighley are being encouraged to get sporty together as part of a new campaign. Keighley councillors have has pledged support for the Get Out Get Active (GOGA) programme, which will includee many activities (...)

Identical twins went head-to-head in ‘mini paralympics' for disabled children
Handicap Sport

Identical twins went head-to-head in ‘mini paralympics’ for disabled children

Twins Katie and Heidi Sheldon, from Langley School in Solihull, were among the stars in a ‘mini Paralympics’ for disabled children in Birmingham. The 13-year-olds, who were born prematurely and have cerebral palsy, were part of the Langley team (...)

Wyoming Disabled Hunters helps people get back to sport they love
Handicap Sport

Wyoming Disabled Hunters helps people get back to sport they love

Hazen Jensen used to rifle hunt before the disease withered his muscles. A genetic illness not many people have heard of, or can pronounce, eroded his mobility over time and forced him into a wheelchair. Spinocerebellar ataxia attacked and at (...)

Singapore Government welcomes Paralympians to Parliament to celebrate Rio 2016 success
Handicap Sport

Singapore Government welcomes Paralympians to Parliament to celebrate Rio 2016 success

Singaporean athletes won three medals at Rio 2016 as swimmer Yip Pin Xiu won two in both the S2 50 and 100 metres, backstroke while teammate Theresa Goh took bronze in the SB4 100m breaststroke. A total of nine of the 13-strong team that (...)

Success at games for Peter
Handicap Sport

Success at games for Peter

Peter Langton, previously at Treloar College, and now at Alton College, competed at the Stoke Mandeville Stadium in the WheelPower National Junior Games and came third in boccia and first in both polybat and electric slalom. The games are for (...)

USA Para-triathlon awarded funding through Department of Veterans Affairs Adaptive Sports Grant
Handicap Sport

USA Para-triathlon awarded funding through Department of Veterans Affairs Adaptive Sports Grant

The body received a total of $68,000 (£54,000/€61,000) under the Grants for Adaptive Sports Programs for Disabled Veterans and Disabled Members of the Armed Forces Programme. It is intended to be used to help further establish programmes and (...)

ECU students and faculty try wheelchair basketball to learn more about adaptive sports
Handicap Sport

ECU students and faculty try wheelchair basketball to learn more about adaptive sports

ECU students and faculty came together today to learn more about adaptive sports for the disabled. With the help of the Thunder wheelchair basketball team out of Raleigh, many rolled onto the court for the first time. Coach and player for the (...)

Anti-abortion Poland offers payments for disabled newborns
Handicap Sport

Anti-abortion Poland offers payments for disabled newborns

Polish lawmakers approved a plan Friday to pay a bonus to families whose child is born disabled – part of a policy aimed at curbing the number of abortions. The “For Life” plan, which is expected to take effect next year, gives a one-time payment (...)

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